NAZC 2014 Call for Posters!

Poster Session ImageIn an effort to engage young Zoroastrians attending the Congress, NAZC 2014 invites you to participate in the  Congress’ Poster Session.  The session will allow young Zoroastrians to engage with their heritage in an environment that showcases and celebrates their creativity.

A few requirements are set forth below, but we encourage you to follow your bliss in the creation of your poster and presentation!  Prizes are in the offing and we wish all our participants the best of luck with their artistic endeavors!

For additional information, please contact Trity Pourbahrami, at

Poster Session Requirements:

  • Age of Participants: No limit, but we encourage student participation.
  • Subject Matter: Anything related to Zoroastrianism.
  • Poster Size:22 x 28 inches or larger.
  • Registration Deadline: November 4, 2014 (extended)
  • To register, please email a short description of your poster and your contact information to
  • Team efforts are welcome.

Register now and participate in this fun session at the Congress!