(Version 3, 28Oct2012, including results from the 2011 Iran census)

In commemoration of its 25th anniversary, FEZANA undertook a demographic study of all countries around the world where Zarathushtis reside.  Data was compared with a similar study in 2004 [FEZANA Journal, Winter 2004].   Some very significant (and rather alarming) observations are noted.

The estimated Zarathushti population of the world has declined by 11.0% since the 2004 study.  This has been weighted in large measure by very significant drops in the estimated populations of Iran (- 37.5%), India (-12.4%) and Pakistan (-21.0%).  Large percentage gains in the Diaspora countries, primarily USA (+32.5%), Canada (+7.5%), New Zealand (+36.8%) and Singapore (+129.6%) do not compensate for these losses.

The situation in India is further exacerbated by the high ratio of deaths to births.  In Mumbai, this ratio has increased at an alarming rate, from 303 deaths per 100 births in 1992, to 741 deaths per 100 births in 2011.  Over the past two decades (1992 – 2011) there were only3,456 births and a five times larger number of 17,715 deaths in Mumbai!   This study also presents distributions by age, sex and origin (Parsi/Iranian), but nothing very significant was observed.

Over the last two decades, there has been a very significant upward trend in the percentage of intermarriages as reported in Parsiana for Mumbai (from 20.5% in 1992 to 38.9% in 2011) and in FEZANA Journal for North America (from 23.7% in 1991 to approx. 60% for the last three years, 2009 – 2011).   On the optional survey questions about offspring of mixed marriages and conversions to/from the Zoroastrian faith, very few and sporadic responses were received (only from a few North American states/provinces, and not from any other country).  While probably not statistically significant, the data does indicate a disturbing number of children of mixed marriages and more so, their next generation, not following the Zarathushti religion. 

Disclaimer. While every effort has been made in good faith to seek out reliable sources, this compilation is not an official, statistically correct census.  The raw data is presented, as received, to get a flavor of the Zarathushti world. We leave it to the professional demographers to analyze the data, and determine its credibility and level of confidence.

These results were presented (along with an early history of Zarathushtis in North America) by Roshan Rivetna at the Congress in New York in August 2012.  To view the powerpoint slide presentation click here. To view the paper “The Zarathushti World – a Demographic Picture by Roshan Rivetna” (Version 3, dated 28Oct2012, which includes 2011 Iran Census results) click here.

Addressing the issues.  In India the population decline has been attributed primarily to low fertility rates, and the leadership is aware and taking measures to address those issues.  In the Diaspora communities, while there is population growth, indications are towards subtle decline due to assimilation and intermarriages.  We urge community leaders in the Diaspora to take strong measures to keep future generations within the fold.  We appeal to the worldwide leadership to take cognizance of these disturbing trends, seek the help of professional demographers, implement actions to address the special issues unique to each country, and work together towards a worldwide Zarathushti renaissance.

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FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda