Dear Presidents/Representatives of Member Associations. Corresponding Members, Committee Chairs & Zarathushtis in NA
The Cyrus Cylinder is a 2600-year old object of modern importance, and a symbol of multi-culturalism, tolerance, diversity, and human rights. The Cylinder, a replica of which is enshrined at the United Nations as the first charter of human rights, is on a permanent exhibit at the British Museum.
This year, it will be on exhibit, along with several other significant objects of Persian antiquity, including one depicting a Zarathushti priest, for the first time at five major museums across the U.S.: Washington D.C. (March 9 – April 28, 2013); Houston (May 3 – June 14, 2013); New York (June 20 – August 4, 2013); San Francisco (August 9 – September 22, 2013); and Los Angeles (October 2 – December 2, 2013).
This US national tour is officially sponsored by the Iran Heritage Foundation of America (IHF), working in collaboration with the British Museum. We Zarathushtis are especially attuned to the significance of the Cyrus Cylinder; and as the organization representing Zarathushti interests in North America, FEZANA has received a special invitation to partner with IHF in this effort.
We are requesting all FEZANA Member Associations to encourage Zarathushtis to visit the museums that will host the Cylinder and its accompanying cast; participate in discussions and other events linked to the tour; bring it to the attention of local news media; e-mail friends about it; blog about it; inform and enlighten our fellow North Americans about the history that lies at the roots of human civilization, and to link its relevance to current world events.
FEZANA has formed a coordinating committee chaired by Vice President Homi D. Gandhi, To commemorate this historic occasion, FEZANA will be publishing a special Issue of the FEZANA Journal on the CYRUS CYLINDER for Summer 2013.
IHF is responsible for all expenses for the tour and has already received support from several organizations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Washington DC and Houston.
FEZANA requests Member Associations to contribute to this effort through FEZANA. Associations can also make a special appeal to their members to send donations directly to FEZANA. FEZANA will provide receipts to individuals for a tax deduction. That way, FEZANA (and hence all Zarathushtis) will receive recognition for our commitment to the cause. As a major donor, FEZANA will be recognized in the official catalogue published by the British Museum (with foreword by the Museum Director, articles by well-known scholars, list of artifacts for display with photos, history, etc.). This catalogue will be going to all 5 locations.
Yours in service to FEZANA,
Katayun Kapadia, President
Homi Gandhi, Vice President and Chair, Cyrus Cylinder Coordinating Committee
Rustom Kevala, co-chair, Funds & Finance
Jerry Kheradi, co-chair, Funds & Finance
Zubin Bagwadia, co-chair, Funds & Finance