An open letter to our Jewish brothers and sisters

clip_image002On behalf of the Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America (FEZANA), I extend my deepest sympathies and condolences to the family members of those lost or injured in the brutal, senseless and barbaric acts of evil committed on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh’s beloved Squirrel Hill community.

We stand in solidarity with the world’s religions in condemning hate, anti-Semitism, and religious intolerance in all its forms, and believe there is no place in civilized society for such devastating acts of evil.

The essence of Zoroastrianism is the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, and the conviction that through truth and righteousness we can achieve a more perfect state. We wish the Jewish community strength, healing and peace during this tragic time.

Hamazor Hama Asho Bed!

(Unity Through Strength and Righteousness!)

Homi D. Gandhi

President, FEZANA

Oct. 30, 2018

FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda