Plastic Pollution, is emerging as the second most important threat, to the environment after Climate Change.
Governments, notably, France and India are taking bold policy decisions in 2019, to address the issue of non degradable plastic waste, head on.
New Innovative Technologies provide opportunities for entrepreneurs who can seize the moment to create wealth as the rate of change accelerates world wide, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, by the year 2030.

Frontier Technology Quarterly: Frontier technologies for addressing plastic pollution | Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN
Member Associations, Small Groups of FEZANA and individuals who constitute our world wide Zarathushti community without borders, are urged to start action
programs ( huvarshtra ), when making choices locally every day, in addressing the issue of caring for our global environment. Could we begin by stopping the use of single use plastic in the events we organize as Zarathushti communities?