presented by FIRES (FEZANA Information Research Education System)

The Bicycle Diaries
by Anoop Babani and Savia Viegas
Goa, 2021
ISBN: 978-93-5426-483-2.
For copies email saxtti@gmail.com
A century ago, twelve Indian cyclists, all of them Parsis, undertook five separate global cycling journeys; eight of them succeeded. Each of these rides was lucidly recorded, penned, and pictured by a handful of Indians, who were the only ones to cycle the world’s streets. They pedaled through a Europe devastated by two World Wars, Great Depression in America, civil wars and peoples’ revolutions in Asia, and abject poverty and homelessness in Africa. They rode across the deserts of the Sahara and Mesopotamia, the rainforests of the Amazon and Southern Asia, and over the mighty heights of the Alps and the Andes. The Bicycle Diaries chronicles their journeys.
Anoop Babani and Savis Viegas are avid cyclists, besides being active in Goa’s arts, education, and film society movement.
Babani and Viegas are invited speakers at the 31st Cycling History Conference to be held in Indiana War Memorial, Indianapolis, Indiana, from July 16-20, 2022. They are showcasing a photo exhibition on these global cyclists at the Indiana War Memorial Museum. If you are in the area, do visit them.
FEZANA Information, Research and Education System (FIRES) is a centralized collection of books, manuscripts, literature, magazines, and scholarly research materials in print and electronic form, primarily pertaining to Zarathushti faith, culture, and history.
FIRES was established in 2010, and is housed and managed by the Zoroastrian Association of Houston (ZAH) Library. It is accessible by all FEZANA Associations and individuals.