NEW YORK, July 10, 2020 – FEZANA delegates will be participating in a Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on Accelerating the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at the United Nations on July 21st, 2020 from 10 AM to 6 PM EST.
The multi-stakeholder meeting will take place on a virtual platform and due to technical limitations, only 3 representatives per NGO can participate. The following will be the designated FEZANA representatives:

Shirin Mehri from Karachi, Pakistan is currently serving as the Program Manager for Ethics & Governance at the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business. After successfully completing projects in education in Tanzania, Azerbaijan, and the United States, Shirin is leading projects on family-friendly workplaces and Pakistan’s investment landscape in partnership with the IFC at the Pakistan Business Council. Prior to her move, Shirin worked alongside the founders of growing social impact start-ups focussed on community development in the UAE.

Nadia Jam from Toronto, Canada is a light-hearted, free-spirit full of energy and passion. Her involvement in the Zoroastrian Society of Ontario and the UN Commission on the Status of Women Conference, as a FEZANA NGO representative, has inspired her to lead the international sub-community, Zoroastrian LGBTQ+-Straight Alliance online and at the 2019 World Youth Congress of which she and the other panellists wrote about in WZO’s Hamazor Journal (Issue 2-2019). Nadia has a B.A. in Political Science in French Immersion from the University of Ottawa and she will be continuing her education with a Masters in Counselling Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in pursuit of a career in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.

Behnoosh Sethna was born and raised in Karachi and currently resides in Maryland working for a financial institution. She has a passion for bringing strategic value-added projects focusing on women’s empowerment and communities’ prosperity. Behnoosh was the moderator of the UN panel at the 7th World Zoroastrian Youth Congress in Los Angeles presenting about the organization’s efforts on the Sustainable Development Goals and Zoroastrian’s presence and history at the UN. She also represented FEZANA at the 68th DGC United Nations Civil Society Conference in August 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Along with the virtual participation, the UN will do a public webcast of the proceedings. Viewing the webcast does not require you to register. The webcast will be live at:
Zarathushtis interested in participating with FEZANA at the UN can send a letter of intent as to how they see themselves promoting the mission of the United Nations, ( with a copy of their curriculum vitae to:
Co-Chairs of the FEZANA UN NGO Committee:
Afreed Mistry,
and Behram Pastakia,