FEZANA, Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America, is deeply saddened by the series of events beginning with the massacre of 12 French citizens at the Charlie Hebdo office on January 7, 2015; and culminating two days later with the tragic death of 4 hostages at the Hyper Casher Supermarket in Paris, France. FEZANA, along with the entire North American Zoroastrian community sends its heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones affected by these tragic events in Paris. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and the local community at this time of profound tragedy and grief. We join hands in solidarity with all those who strongly condemn these acts of senseless brutality against innocent victims. Violence of this nature has neither the legal standing in a just society nor can it be a means to resolve social concerns. We sincerely hope for appropriate actions to restore the respect and honor of our shared values of human dignity and freedom of expression.
Mrs. Katayun Kapadia President, FEZANA
About FEZANAFounded in 1987, FEZANA serves as the coordinating body for 25 Zoroastrian associations and 13 small groups throughout the United States and Canada. FEZANA promotes the study, understanding and practice of the Zoroastrian faith in North America, represents the interests of its member associations, and carries out philanthropic and charitable activities worldwide. The FEZANA Journal, FEZANA’s publication of record, circulates to Zoroastrian households in more than 22 countries, as well as to scholars, academicians and religious organizations worldwide. For more information visit: www.fezana.org. |