On the 10 of Jan 2022, Thirty Kasad (wife to Zubin and mother to two young daughters) lost her battle with brain cancer. This appeal is sent on behalf of Thrity and Zubin’s close friends.

Dear Friends,
As most of you know, after three years of courageously fighting Glioblastoma (a rare form of brain cancer), Thrity lost the battle on January 10th, 2022. She was only 42 years old.
Since being diagnosed in Feb 2019, her faithful, devoted husband, Zubin, has been by her side night and day navigating every possible experimental treatment to save her life. Thrity’s family, friends, and colleagues at Microsoft have also been there with her every step of the way.
During that time, significant out-of-pocket medical costs in excess of $350,000 were incurred by the family & not covered by insurance. Thrity’s care was diligently managed by a massive team of infusion nurses, brain tumour network volunteers and caregivers that spanned 4 hospitals/cancer-infusion centers, working round the clock to provide her with the best care possible. Zubin would like to honour and express his gratitude to this devoted workforce.
Thrity was taken from her family, community and friends too soon. To say that she will be missed is a simple understatement. Zubin and his two little girls have borne this battle with nothing but grace, dignity and tremendous strength. Please consider honouring Thrity’s legacy by donating, to let her family know that we are here for them during this very difficult time.
Thoughts & Prayers
Friends of Thrity & Zubin
The FEZANA Unity and Welfare Committee and the FEZANA Executive urge our generous community to support this family with any financial contributions they can afford. A tax receipt will be issued from the US on behalf of FEZANA.
To Donate Online using a credit/debit card
Go to : https://fezana.org/donate/
In the first pulldown menu select “Thrity Kasad Fundraiser”
You can also send a cheque to:
Rooky Fitter
FEZANA Treasurer
PO BOX 266
Please write “Thrity Kasad Appeal” in the memo line of your cheque.
We have also set up a project for Thrity on Benevity.
If possible, please use your company giving portal (i.e. Benevity – search “Thirty Kasad Appeal”) so you can request a corporate match.
See screenshot below:
Please Note: In case the family’s needs are met, then the additional funds collected will be used towards similar future appeals.
May Ahura Mazda bless you for your generous support, always.
Thank you.
Houtoxi Contractor, Sanaya Master, Hosi Mehta
Co-chairs, FEZANA Unity and Welfare Committee