The FEZANA Talks is back for another exciting season of incredible discussions, global speakers, and insightful learnings! We are launching Season 3 of our initiative with Sharmeen Mehri, who will discuss her latest oral history exhibition “Migration Stories of Zoroastrian South Asian Americans Project”.
We will discuss the stories shared in this exhibit, which reflect upon what it means to cultivate a new home away from the close-knit Zoroastrian communities in South Asia and what exactly the Zoroastrian identity means in the diaspora.
Don’t miss out on this fascinating discussion and join us as we support this incredible project led by a young Zoroastrian scholar.
Date: Saturday September 17th, 2022
Time: 9 AM Pacific | 12 Noon Eastern |5 PM London | 9 PM Pakistan | 9:30 PM India

Speaker Bio
Sharmeen Mehri (she/her) is a Zoroastrian from Karachi, Pakistan, currently working on her Ph.D. dissertation in the English department at the University at Buffalo, SUNY. Her research focuses on postcolonial and Parsi writing with an interdisciplinary focus on archival studies. Sharmeen’s talk is centered on her oral history project as a 2021-22 Archival Creators fellow for the South Asian Digital American Archive, SAADA. This project seeks to examine and preserve the migration experiences of Zoroastrian South Asians to the United States. With a specific focus on the narrative of assimilation or dissimilation, these oral history interviews document how Zoroastrians preserve or adapt their cultural expressions within the context of the broader American immigrant experience.
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Topic: FEZANA Talks: Migration Stories of Zoroastrian South Asian Americans Project
Time: Sep 17, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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