ZAH Library, home of FIRES (FEZANA Information Research & Education Systems) is pleased to host the third NAMC (North American Mobed Council) Seminar.
Topics and presenters are:
1. Mobedyar Khushroo Mirza from ZSO, Toronto – “Zarathushti Core Principles in Our Daily Lives"
What are these Core Principles? What do they mean to us in simple terms? How do we adhere to these principles?
2. Ervad Faraidoon Pundole from ZAH, Houston – “Concept of Sin in Zoroastrianism”
What constitutes sin and what is its nature? How do we know if we are committing sin or not ?
3. Ervad Tehemton Mirza from ZSO, Toronto – “Concept of Heaven in Zoroastrianism”
Explore these questions: Do you know the path to heaven? How did Prophet Zarathushtra describe heaven? Do you have to be a Zoroastrian to reach heaven? How is life in heaven?\
4. Ervad Poras Balsara from ZANT, Dallas – “Persepolis – Rising from the Ruins”
Explore a brief construction history and interesting features of Persepolis through its present ruins brought to life by various recreation projects.
Date:    Saturday February 15, 2014
Place:   Zarathushti Heritage & Cultural Center
Time:    10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Lunch 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. – $15.00 per person. RSVP Arnavaz Sethna –
February 16, 2014 – Informal talk and discussion


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FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda