The Oriental Institute (OI) Museum in Chicago is preparing for a special exhibit, Persepolis: Images of an Empire. OI is very enthusiastic about developing meaningful events and educational programming in conjunction with this special exhibit.
“Indeed every remains of these noble ruins indicate their former grandeur and magnificence, truly worthy of being the residence of a great and powerful monarch; and whilst viewing them, the mind becomes impressed with an awful solemnity!” — William Francklin, British Officer of the East India Company, 18th century.

Starting in October 2015, the special exhibit will create exciting and beneficial programs that will highlight the far-reaching influence of Persepolis and the Achaemenid Empire. This event will launch a dynamic series of public programs over an 18-month period, focused on art history and architecture using Persepolis as the primary site and source material. Mural activity for K-12 Children will be incorporated focusing on the Persepolis relief imagery and highlighting the images of inclusiveness. OI will host a Nowruz celebration as part of its premiere young professionals event series, Epic Wednesday.
An opportunity exists to make “Persepolis: Images of an Empire” available as a travelling exhibition, which would provide access to the Oriental Institute’s unparalleled collection of photographs to an even wider audience. OI is currently seeking potential partners with an interest in presenting this exhibition in different venues throughout the United Stated and abroad.
OI has invited FEZANA in collaborating for this Exhibit and add its name to be a sponsor of the exhibit. FEZANA invites Zoroastrian community members to step up and donate in promoting a part of Zoroastrian history, reflected in the grandeur of the World’s first superpower. We thank you for the help and support that has been given in the past. We are proud to belong to a community that cares for our past and contributes towards educating others. The target contribution from our community is $5000.
The Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Chicago shall remain the lead organization to coordinate activities with the OI locally.
You can donate directly online and pay with a credit card
Checks should be made out to FEZANA, but please write the words, Persepolis: Images of an Empire in the memo section of the check.
Mail your check to: Nilufer K. Shroff, FEZANA Treasurer, Post office Box 3873, 1175 Marlkress Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034.
Donations to FEZANA are tax deductible.
Please contact Rohinton Rivetna email: for additional information.
Katayun Kapadia