Strategic Plan – 5-Year and 10-Year Plan

5 YEAR PLAN: 1997-2002

  1. Educational materials adapted for North America for parents, teachers and individuals available.

    These two items respond to the first Mission Statement and the shared space of "learning to live a Zarathushti life" Action is already started for its implementation.. The education committee of FEZANA has developed a certificate course for religious studies for children. The Kankash e Mobedan has also developed an interactive CD program for religious studies. The sponsoring of the video "Paradise" was a response to this action item.


  2. A certificate course in religious studies for children and adults
  3. Funds available for loans, bursaries, scholarships for religious education and other higher education

    These items respond to the second Mission Statement, and the shared space of "a thousand points of light". Many of the associations have funds set aside for scholarship, loans, bursaries, The Fali Chothia Educational Trust Fund managed by ZAMWI offers scholarships to students. The financial base for this needs to grow and a formal central fund established as well so that no Zarathushti student is deprived of higher education because of lack of funds. Financial assistance would also encourage Zarathushtis to pursue different aspects of religious studies at an academic institution. The FEZANA directory which connects people around the continent should be updated every two years and develop a systematic data collection mechanism.


  4. Update directories and maintain census records of birth, and deaths
  5. Establishment of a Centre for Research in Zarathushti Studies
  6. Program of Zarathushti Studies in a major University

    These items respond to the second Mission Statement and the shared space of "developing external structures" . Establishments of these centres would encourage research into various aspects of the religion and make it known to the greater North American community that we take our religion and community seriously. The Zarathushtrian Cultural Centre has been started since 1994 in Vancouver to preserve the Persian Zarathushti culture and religion.. Efforts are underway to develop resources on Zarathushti studies and current research at academic institutions around the world on different aspects of the religion.


  7. Establishment of a Zarathushti Cultural Centre
  8. Establishment of a Zarathushti Spiritual Centre

    Responding to the third Mission Statement and the shared space of "external structures ", a proposal has been prepared for such a center at Crestone. Individual Zarathushtis participate in interfaith events but formal links need to be established.


  9. Greater participation at Interfaith events

    This item responds to the first and second Mission Statement and serves a very important purpose of bonding Zarathushtis together. At present the FEZANA congress committee facilitates the organization of Congress with member associations. This should be expanded into cultural festivals, film festivals, food fairs, business expos etc. and interested Zarathushtis entrepreneurs should be encouraged to do so.


  10. Continued organization of youth and adult congresses sport events

    Responding to the fourth Mission Statement and the shared space of "internal structures" this item is necessary if we are to be proactive in addressing critical issues of our times for appropriate action. Internal structures are needed to develop strong potent amalgams to bond us together. FEZANA member association ZSBC has tackled critical issues like "Who is a Zoroastrian", and many others need to be addressed. Mediation efforts which were made in 1996-97 to resolve disputes among member associations should be structured.


  11. Establishment of mechanisms to resolve conflicts and settle disputes

    Responding to the second Mission Statement and the shared space of "internal structures" associations to be encouraged to develop mechanisms to help the fragile members of their community. A community is healthy when it plans to look after the all its constituents.


  12. Establishment of a mechanism to help the frail and fragile members of the community through individual counseling, retirement centres etc.
  13. Increase the economic base of FEZANA by 50%

    These two items respond to the second Mission Statement and the shared space of "internal structures-economic council". The planned projects to strengthen the religious and social base of the community, funds need to be raised with the help of the business community.


  14. Establish a Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce
  15. Unified calendar for the community

    responding to the third and fourth Mission Statements and the shared space of "external structures" attempts are being made to bring together the diasporic world community.

  16. Establishment of a united world Zarathushti community


10 YEAR PLAN: 1997-2006

  • Establishment of consecrated places of worship in North America
  • Zarathushti Developmental Bank
  • For a community to be rooted to the land they live in there must be a consecrated place of worship.

| News

FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda