FEZANA is saddened to hear the news of the passing away of Zarir Bhathena, a Trustee of the Bombay Parsi Panchayet.
Garothman Behest to the Ruvan of Zarir and the condolences of the North American Zarathushti community to the Bhathena Family and to his fellow Trustees at the BPP.
Below is a message penned by his colleague and BPP Trustee Noshir Dadrawala
Zarir Bhathena was a man of few words, but when he would speak, everyone would listen to whatever he had to say. And, whatever he had to say would always be concise, correct and candid. He never minced words and while he was kind, generous and friendly towards all, the few who wrongly tried to cross swords with him found in him a formidable warrior who fought with tenacity of a Trojan.
I first came in touch with him about 35 years ago when I was appointed Assistant Secretary at the Parsi General Hospital and he too had been recently appointed on the Managing Committee of the Hospital. While I moved on, he remained connected with the Hospital till his last breath at the very hospital he so loved and served with diligence.
As a Chartered Accountant he had a knack of analysing financial statements and had a sharp eye for detail.
As a builder he was professional and known for putting his stamp of quality in his projects.
He was generous and gave of his time and wealth generously, yet silently.

He had an abiding interest in the welfare of the community and was disciplined enough to give time to his professional and community interest without compromising on time spent with his family. He was a family man and took relationships be they personal or professional, very seriously.
What do I remember most about him?
I would think his habit of constantly digging into his pocket and generously tipping drivers, watchmen, liftmen and almost anyone who he thought needed or deserved help. I will remember him as a man who was frugal with his words but generous with his actions.
He always wore a charming and disarming smile, even from his sick bed.
The community has lost a wonderful human being. One who spoke little but gave with both his hand and again without ever speaking about it.
Good bye Zarir, we will miss you and your smile.
Noshir H Dadrawala