Join us for what will be a FEZANA Talk to remember, as we discuss one of the most extensive genocides in history that has been carried out in the name of religion happened in Persia in the aftermath of the 7th century A.D. Islamic invasion.
The story of individual Zoroastrians at the receiving end of acts of persecution, coercion and extermination that was unleashed in the wake of Islamic conquest of Persia is retold based on eyewitness reports and documented sources.
The session features Iranian Zoroastrians Mehrbanou Goodarz, Shahin Bekhradnia, and Mehrborzin Soroushian.
Please invite your friends and family to attend and join in this important discussion.

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Topic: FEZANA Talks: Stories of Persecution & Extreme Violence Against Zoroastrians in Iran
Time: Dec 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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