The FEZANA Talks is back for another enlightening session, this time to teach us more about Muktad, the Festival of Hamaspathmaēdaya! Zoroastrian rituals help traverse the liminal space between the physical and spiritual worlds and are best expressed through the annual Muktad celebration, where the souls and spirits of the dead are invited to earth to mingle with the living. This talk explores the rituals associated with the Muktad Festival in India and Iran and the Zoroastrian theological response to it through the enactment of ceremonies, remembering the dead. The Talk shall be delivered by Khojeste P. Mistree. A Q&A shall follow the talk, and shall be moderated by Dinsha Mistree.
Video Recording:
Date: Saturday July 31, 2021
Time: 9 AM Pacific | 12 Noon Eastern | 5 PM London | 9:30 PM India
Speaker Bio: Khojeste P. Mistree

Khojeste P. Mistree is a Zoroastrian scholar and community builder.In addition to several journal articles, book chapters, and other writings, he is the author of Zoroastrianism — An Ethnic Perspective, and co-author of The Zarathushti Religion — A Basic Text. He has delivered more than 1,200 talks on Zoroastrianism and Parsi Affairs over the past four decades and has been featured in a variety of media outlets (BBC, CNN, PBS, etc.). In addition to his scholarship, Khojeste has created several community organizations including Zoroastrian Studies, The Athravan Educational Trust, and the World Alliance for Parsi Irani Zarthoshtis (WAPIZ). He was elected as a Trustee of the Bombay Parsi Panchayat (2008-2015). Khojeste holds an Honours degree in Oriental Studies from the University of Oxford, where he studied Zoroastrianism under the tutelage of Mary Boyce.