About | Ava Project Ideas | How to Sign Up | Resources

The Ava Project objective is for Zoroastrians all over the world to contribute towards taking care of the environment. Creating a learning community where each of us can learn from each other. Our ancient Iranian Zarathushti culture is to care for all creations. We intend to execute these dreams by promoting the concept of Glocalization -To Think Globally and Act Locally.
This project will continue for 10 years, until 2030, which is when the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are also due. We would like to execute Ava Project ideas on June 5th – the World Environment Day.
The launch of the Decade from 2021- 2030 by the UNEP to care for the creations and environment starting on June 5th, 2021. We want to encourage those listening to prepare for actions they would take as individuals on June 5th.
We have over 185 volunteers across 10+ countries signed up for the Ava project. Volunteers include a diverse group of our global diaspora: engineers, priests, authors, entrepreneurs, doctors, scientists, school teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, journalists, editors, mothers, grandmothers, botanists, artists, musicians, all ranging from ages 12 to 80, each bringing their own unique talents and thinking to the table.
Ava Project Ideas
Local Water Clean Up
Volunteers are gathering in smaller groups in all areas of the World to do local water clean ups.
Partnering with Companies
Working on partnering with like minded companies so the volunteers get a chance to make a difference.
Educating the children
Putting a package together on water – it’s importance, and conserving water. This package will be released by FEZANA on June 5th on their website to be downloaded by all globally. Hopes are that religion class teachers everywhere will use this in their classes to teach the kids.
Educating the Community
To educate the Zoroastrian community through various formats like, educational workshops, videos, pamphlets, quarterly articles, and providing tools to communities to host educational games shows such as Jeopardy, Family Feud, etc.
Bringing Clean Water
Looking into how we can bring clean water to areas that do not have it. Looking into better solutions than building wells as that takes a lot of effort, money and time.
Water and Trees
Planting the right trees can raise the level of the water. Numerous examples in India where this has worked.
Wetlands: the unsung heroes of the planet – A new story from UNEP explains why wetlands are some of the planet’s most important ecosystems. “They store more carbon than any other ecosystem, with peatlands alone storing twice as much as all the world’s forests. Inland wetland ecosystems also absorb excess water and help prevent floods and drought, widely seen as critical to helping communities adapt to a changing climate.”
How to Sign Up
If you would like to make a difference, have an idea relating to the UN SDG’s and/or want to join in the Ava Project, please connect with us: https://bit.ly/2KMqrur
Email: Avaproject@fezana.org