At WZCC-Chicago chapter, we have a tradition of celebrating the Hamas-path-maedem Gahambar as Panj-e-meh. This happens Five days prior, the Fraverdegan days which are also the five days of the Gatha and the five days of the sixth and the last Gahambar, before the seasonal Fasli calendar begins.
The Gahambar has following components:
1. YAZAD – To Pray
2. SAZAAD – To perform duties
3. KHURAD – To partake of a meal
4. DAHAD – To donate
(You can donate if you wish at https://zedf.org/contribute/ to fund budding Zarathushti entrepreneurs in North America).
Innovation: The Z Kitchen

This year we featured five Zarathushti women entrepreneurs under the Z kitchen platform of the WZCC Chicago:
Names of Food preuneurs and their contact information:
Maharuk Dadachanji (312) -953-7474 dadachanji@hotmail.com,
Kiku Engineer (630) -386-5896 mistry.kiku@gmail.com
Shirin Mundagar (650)- 954-3990 smundagar@gmail.com
Roshan Rivetna (630)- 340-8272 roshanrivetna@gmail.com
Vera Springett (312) -439-1016 veraspringett@gmail.com
For more information, contact:
Mani Rao, Chair, WZCC Chicago Chapter