From Friday 29th April to Sunday May 1st, Novi Michigan will become a hub of Zarathushti activity as the 2016 Annual General Meeting of FEZANA is held in Novi, Michigan. Hosted by the wonderful folks of the FEZANA Member Association ZAOM Zoroastrian Association of Michigan, the AGM will be attended by over 100 officials of the various FEZANA Member Associations, Corresponding Members, Small Groups and Committee Chairs. The AGM is also open to all, and a lot of local participants are expected.
The AGM shall be preceeded by a World Zoroastrian Chamber of Commerce North America Regional Meet. A Pre-AGM Session on Seniors in the Community is also scheduled for Friday.
The hosts have left no stone unturned, and a fantastic Gala is planned for Saturday night.
A full update on the AGM will follow.