July 10 – 19, 2023
NEW YORK, July 20, 2023 – FEZANA participated in the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) at the UN Headquarters in New York, USA.
This year’s theme was, “Accelerating the recovery from the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels”. In the forum, many of the countries presenting started off by stating how the COVID-19 pandemic had put a stop to their country’s progress on the UN SDGs. Globally, we are only 12% on track to meet the 2030 deadline for the SDGs.

L-R: Behram Hathi, Sascha Shroff, Diana Wadia and Afreed Mistry at the UN General Assembly Hall just before Opening Ceremonies of the HLPF.
The first day of the conference was focused on reports from various countries and SDG # 17 partnerships for the goals. The second day was dedicated to SDG #6 clean water and sanitation. Day 3 focused on SDG #7 affordable and clean energy and SDG #9 industry, innovation and infrastructure. Day 4 was on SDG #11 sustainable cities and communities. The conference was 2 weeks long and ended on July 19th. There will be a follow up conference in September 2023. Read more detailed articles in the FEZANA Journal.

FEZANA had a limited number of conference passes for the delegates. The following people represented the Zoroastrians at the UN:
Behram Hathi

Behram grew up in Mumbai, India, before attending Schule Schloss Salem in Germany. In high school, he was the President of the Amnesty International Club and Head of the Model United Nations Club. Over the last seven years, he has participated in, chaired, and won prizes such as Outstanding Delegate at 11 Model United Nations, including the Harvard Model Congress and the Hague International Model United Nations. He is currently a student at the University of Toronto, focusing on Public Policy and Economics. Behram also studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto. His passion for public service extends into his university life, where he served as the Speaker of the University College Residence Council and currently holds the position of Mid-Year Representative for the University College Literary and Athletic Society. He is also a violinist, having performed with orchestras such as the Australian World Orchestra and the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, he currently studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music.
Contact: behram.hathi@mail.utoronto.ca
Afreed Mistry

Afreed is from Toronto, Canada and has been an active member of FEZANA since 2002. She co-chairs the FEZANA UN-NGO Committee along with Dr. Behram Pastakia. Afreed is also the main representative for FEZANA at the United Nations. She has attended and presented at nine United Nations’ CSW Conferences and also been a part of the UN DGC Conferences, Parliament of World’s Religions and attended numerous UN meetings.
Contact: Afreed@fezana.org
Sascha Shroff

Sascha is a rising senior at American University’s School of International Service in Washington, DC with two thematic specializations in Foreign Policy and National Security and Peace, Global Security and Conflict Resolution with a regional focus in the Middle East and North Africa. Sascha is a member of the School of International Service Honors Program and the Sigma Iota Rho Honor Society for International Studies.
Passionate about foreign policy and conflict resolution, Sascha is currently working at the Aspen Institute on the International Partners team and has interned at numerous organizations including the Centre for Rights Education and Awareness, the Democratic National Committee, Rumi Forum and National Organization for Women in hopes of one day working at the federal level. She recently studied in Brussels, Belgium, and Nairobi, Kenya for the Spring 2023 semester where she was able to explore current issues confronting the European Union and Africa. Outside of work, Sascha is an active member of her campus community through her sorority, Delta Gamma, and has interests in women’s rights and menstrual equity.
Contact: ss1949b@american.edu
Diana Wadia

Diana, a distinguished participant in the High-Level Political Forum at the UN Headquarters in New York, brings valuable expertise from the hospitality and tourism industry. With her background at The Indian Hotels Company Limited and a Master’s degree in Hospitality Management from Boston University, specializing in Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Diana possesses a wealth of knowledge.
As an active contributor to the Forum, Diana provides valuable insights during the comprehensive review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Drawing from her firsthand experience in the industry, she offers a unique perspective on topics related to infrastructure and partnerships. Recognizing the importance of collaboration among local communities, governments, and businesses, Diana advocates for sustainable practices in the industry. Her emphasis lies in implementing measures that promote economic growth and protect the environment.
Diana’s presence at the Forum exemplifies her dedication to advancing the hospitality and tourism sector while fostering positive change. With her expertise and passion, she contributes meaningfully to discussions and drives the industry towards a sustainable and prosperous future.
Contact: dkwadia@bu.edu
Della Dastur and her daughter Parinaz Dastur visited the United Nations on the first day of the HLPF. They did the visitors’ tour and Parinaz has written about her first experience at the UN which can be seen in the next FEZANA Journal.

Della is the Chair of the Computer Science Department at Stratford Schools in California. She also teaches 7th & 8th grade Computer Science and Graphic Arts. Parinaz is a 14-year-old, ninth grade student. Both of them are part of the Water & Trees Group of the FEZANA Ava Project which works on the UN SDGs geared towards water.
About United Nations
The United Nations is central to global efforts to solve problems that challenge humanity. Cooperating in this effort are more than 30 affiliated organizations, known together as the UN sytem. For more information visit www.un.org
FEZANA Contact:
Afreed Mistry, FEZANA’s Main UN Representative, Afreed@fezana.org, +1-416-302-9754