Zoroastrianism in India and Iran: Persians, Parsis and the Flowering of Political Identity
The FEZANA Talks #28
Author Alexandra Buhler in conversation with Dinyar Patel.
Saturday November 23, 2024
9am Pacific | 12pm Eastern | 5pm London | 10 PM Karachi | 10:30pm Mumbai

Zoroastrianism in India and Iran: Persians, Parsis and the Flowering of Political Identity
By Alexandra Buhler
This book examines the cultural, religious, and political ties between the Zoroastrian communities of Iran and the Zoroastrian communities of India during the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods. A major theme is the increase in philanthropy directed to the Zoroastrians of Iran by the Parsis and the involvement of the British in encouraging Parsi feelings of patriotism towards Iran. Not only were Parsis affected by events taking place in Iran, they also contributed to the broader change in attitudes towards Zoroastrians in that country.
Using a variety of original sources from Britain, India and Iran, this book examines the political, legal, and social position of Zoroastrians in Iran and how different events impacted their attitudes as well as the attitudes of Parsis towards their ancestral homeland. Of particular significance were the seminal years of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution (1906-11) and the rise in the glorification of the pre-Islamic past, culminating in the state nationalism expounded by Reza Shah.
About Alexandra Buhler
After completing a BA in Theology at Oxford University, Alexandra Buhler studied at SOAS, where she also taught courses about Zoroastrianism and Iranian history. Her PhD focused on the involvement of Zoroastrians in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution, and the impact the revolution had on members of the community. Alexandra now works in Libraries and Collections at King’s College London.
About Dinyar Patel
Dinyar Patel is Associate Professor at the S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) in Mumbai. He is the author of Naoroji: Pioneer of Indian Nationalism (Harvard University Press, 2020), which won the 2021 Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay NIF Book Prize. Dinyar is also the Co-Chair of FEZANA’s Research and Preservation Committee
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