presented by FIRES (FEZANA Information Research Education System)

Who is a Parsi?
By Prochy N. Mehta
New Delhi, 2022
ISBN: 978-93-91125-77-6
The author Prochy Mehta takes the reader through a detailed analysis of the court cases and seeks to reveals through transcripts the true picture of the community.
A Proud boast of Parsis is that they belong to the world’s most ancient monotheistic religion. As a matter of historical fact, they do. But presently – with the steep decline in birth-rate, the entire community is in jeopardy; it is believed, by many, that Parsi personal law is largely responsible for this plight; what is precisely the theme around which this well- researched and liberally illustrated book has been written.
-Fali S Nariman
FEZANA Information, Research and Education System (FIRES) is a centralized collection of books, manuscripts, literature, magazines, and scholarly research materials in print and electronic form, primarily pertaining to Zarathushti faith, culture, and history.
FIRES was established in 2010, and is housed and managed by the Zoroastrian Association of Houston (ZAH) Library. It is accessible by all FEZANA Associations and individuals.