About The Religion Education Committee

Religion Education Committee


WHEREAS the opportunity to assimilate Zoroastrian customs and values through daily contact with other Zoroastrians outside one’s home, is very limited in North America; and

WHEREAS it is unquestioned that the responsibility for religious education of children and youth lies first and foremost with the parents, and second with the community; and

WHEREAS the adults and parents at times may feel inadequate to meet this responsibility,

A consensus has emerged in North America to place religious education for children, youth, and adults as the highest priority.

The EDUCATION COMMITTEE, known more widely as Religion Education Committee, supports and enhances the efforts of Member Associations to provide religious education and educational resources to their individual constituents and to enhance the knowledge of Zoroastrianism through lectures, scholarships for the study of Zoroastrianism and for Zoroastrian Studies at institutions of higher learning.


The goal of this committee is to empower our children and youth with the knowledge, conviction, and wisdom necessary to function in a pluralistic society and to empower our parents, educators, and members of the community with informed vision, knowledge, and guidance necessary to impart such education.


Facilitate exchange of religious educational materials, programs, and initiatives for the children/youth among teachers from Members Associations.  

Develop and maintain an age-appropriate religious education curriculum compiled from the curricula of various Member Associations: compile and distribute materials to Member Associations; facilitate workshops for teachers of religious education.

Develop and maintain a curriculum for religious seminars or workshops directed towards basic education each year at member locations.


FEZANA recognizes that supporting higher education in the field of Zoroastrianism through lectures courses and scholarships is of profound importance to the future of the Zoroastrian community in North America as it increases awareness and the knowledge of Zoroastrianism in society at large and allows our community to take its rightful place in society. Therefore, the Religion Education Committee has among its other duties, the following:

To arrange for lectures on Zoroastrianism that are endowed or otherwise financially sourced through FEZANA and to coordinate and support Zoroastrian groups that work with institutions of higher learning to initiate Zoroastrian Studies at such institutions.

To encourage religious education classes for adults, especially parents so that they can better guide the children in their religious studies.

To contribute reports, articles, compilations etc., periodically in the FEZANA Journal.

To correct any misinformation published in school textbooks and articles on Zoroastrianism.


The committee shall be served by dedicated individuals interested in the promotion of Zoroastrian religious education.

The chair and co-chair shall appoint committee members from among the Member Associations as required.

The chair shall be responsible for the functioning of the committee, prepare a budget for inclusion in the FEZANA Budget, present an annual report to the Members of FEZANA at the AGM.

The Committee may liaison with Mobed Councils, FEZANA Scholarship Committee, and any other committee or religious group to further its mission for acquiring and compiling religious material for committee purposes.


Document Owner            FEZANA

Document Type                REFERENCE

Author                                Religious Education Committee

Approver                            FEZANA

Document Version           TERMS OF REFERENCE

Document Dated              02.08.2024

Retention                           PERMANENT


Date of Publication          07.01.1995

Revision #                          1

Date Revised                     09.16.2006

Revised by                        

Description                        to include its expanded role as the ECS committee 9/16/2006

Revision #                          2

Date Revised                     03.16.2023

Revised by                         Artemis Javanshir, Lovji Cama


Revision #                          3            

Date Revised                     02.08.2024

Revised by                         Artemis Javanshir and Persis Driver


FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda