Youth: Soroush Kamdar
Soroush found the interview both informative and moving, gaining new insights into his grandmother’s experiences and the depth of her faith. He was thrilled that his grandmother wanted to share her story and glad that he could help preserve her Zoroastrian heritage across generations.
Participant: Manijeh Khosravi Bonshahi
Manijeh appreciated the opportunity to share her story with her grandson and emphasized the importance of preserving her Zoroastrian heritage across generations. She was very excited to get interviewed and enjoyed it thoroughly!
Preserving Faith Across Generations
Interviewer: Soroush Kamdar
Date: 8/13/2023
0:00-0:09 Interviewer
Hi Grandma!
Do I have your permission to interview you today?
0:09-0:53 Interviewer
Ok. Let’s get right into it. For question number 1, what did being Zoroastrian mean to you as a child and were there any places for you to practice your religion?
I am very proud of being a Zoroastrian. When we were little, my mother and father would take us to “Sazeman” Zoroastrian center and we would learn the Avesta there and I was Sedreh Pooshied at age seven and I am very proud of being a Zoroastrian.
0:53-1:06 Interviewer
To clarify, where were you as a child or what country were you in?
Iran, Tehran, I was there. Yes, I was born in Tehran.
1:06-2:19 Interviewer
Ok so question number 2. What things caused you and your family to move to the U.S.?
It is a long story, but there was a revolution there in Iran and after the revolution there was the war between Iran and Iraq. All of which existed. My husband came here to America. He spent four years here to work and to get visas for the kids. He struggled here and the kids were going to school in Iran and were told that they must attend Quran classes. There was no more Avesta there, they wouldn’t let them, and they had to study the Quran. My son had to go to mandatory military service with the Iran and Iraq war in progress. And so, we slowly decided that there was no freedom there and slowly we moved to America.
2:19-2:44 Interviewer
So in other words, you moved to the US because you wanted the safety of your kids and they were imposing the Muslim traditions onto you?
I can say just for the safety (of) my children. That’s why I came.
2:44-3:38 Interviewer
Ok. Now, also moving back to the first question, when you were a child, did the Muslims make you go to any of their places to practice their religion or was it different when you were a kid?
No, when I was growing up there, there were never such things. No one bothered us. It was Shah’s time. No one would pressure us, and we were free. We had Darbe Mehr, we had Shahverahram Ized and we would go there to recite the Avesta and all of us Zoroastrians, Iranians would gather there and see one another.
3:38-4:50 Interviewer
Ok, thank you. Now question 3. Tell me how easy or hard was it for you to integrate to the culture of U.S.
When we first came to America, it was very hard for us because we really didn’t know the language and we didn’t have work. The next day after our arrival, we went for immigration and they told us there are different classes and I chose one of nursing. I started studying and working. I worked and studied at the same place to be able to manage our life and everything slowly progressed well and the kids went to classes, university, and school and everything went along well. It became easier for us.
4:50-5:20 Interviewer
Tell me do you think it was hard for your children to integrate into the U.S. or was it the same as you?
It wasn’t very hard for the kids. They were small and young. They learned the language quickly and no it wasn’t that hard for the kids.
5:20-6:05 Interviewer
Okay thank you. Now for question number 4. Did you connect with other Zoroastrians when you arrived to the U.S.?
Yes. When we came here, we knew a few Zoroastrians, I can say we knew many people and they showed us where the Darbe Mehr was and we later went to San Jose Darbe Mehr and also Orange County. We first entered Orange County and we originally went to Darbe Mehr there (Orange County) and we knew many of the Iranians.
6:05-6:51 Interviewer
Do you think it would have been different if you moved to a different area in the U.S. or would it have been the same or how easy is it to integrate or to find Zoroastrians?
It was easier for us to come to California because my husband had first come here earlier to California three or four years prior and had found work. He endured the hardest. Later, we came and entered California and because there are more Zoroastrians in California and we have more Darbe Mehrs here, we preferred here.
6:51-7:48 Interviewer
Okay we’re almost there. Question number 5. What does it mean to you to be a Zoroastrian now and what emotions does being a Zoroastrian evoke for you today?
I am very happy and honored to be Zoroastrian and now I have five grandchildren and I want all my grandchildren to have their Sedreh Pooshi and continue in progressing the Zoroastrian religion. Also, we have Sedreh Pooshied three of my grandchildren, and I am very very happy that the kids accept (Zoroastrian religion) and are happy and are progressing forward.
7:48-9:12 Interviewer:
And finally, last question. Sorry not the last question, would you like to share anything more that I have missed or is that good? Take your time to think as well…. Okay, here I have a question for you, why is it important to preserve the religion for you?
Because our ancestors, our roots were Zoroastrian. The first religion in the world that is said (to be) are the Zoroastrians. That is why I want it to be stable and permanent, my children, my grandchildren, great grandchildren to remain (with the religion) and with God’s help have Zoroastrians move forward.
9:12-9:55 Interviewer
And is there anything I missed that you’d like to share?
Let me think about it. But no there is nothing. I just ask the children, the youth to please become friends, get to know one another and for them to keep their religion.
Okay Grandma, thank you Grandma for your time and I really appreciate it for coming today.
You’re welcome. Thank you for interviewing me.