Food Sustainability, Creativity & Conservation During COVID-19: The FEZANA Talks #9

Video Recording:

COVID has changed the way we eat, cook and live in many ways — good and bad. This discussion focuses on the impact of the pandemic on the food supply chain, and how it affected the availability of the basics, leading people to get more creative in the kitchen. Everything from making our own bread to using leftovers to create new unexpected meals, has allowed people to ramp up their cooking skills, rely on sustainability and be more conscious of food wastage. Historically resembling the ways of our ancestors.


Niloufer Mavalvala

Born and raised in Karachi, with London, Toronto and Dubai all part of her life Niloufer has travelled extensively. Passionate about culture through its cuisine she enjoys all cuisines of the world. 

Self taught, her experience through the years has driven her to write a blog and publish two Parsi cookbooks – receiving 3 awards. She strongly believes that while we are identified by race, religion and colour, we share the tightest bonding through food.  Her umpteen zoom demos through this pandemic have picked up momentum worldwide making  #revivinganancientcuisine one recipe at a time her priority.   

Naomi Mobed

Naomi Mobed is the Founder of Le Bon Magot®, an award-winning specialty producer of fine condiments, conserves, preserves and sauces inspired by the flavors of Africa, Middle East and South Asia. This venture is the culmination of her diverse heritage, extensive travels and her passion for all things culinary. Naomi’s love of cooking comes straight from her family’s kitchen – she learned how to cook from her Mother, Grandmother and Great Aunts. Prior to becoming a foodpreneur, Naomi was a banker, specializing in the emerging economies of Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. Her clients were some of the largest financial and public institutions in these regions. Having completed graduate studies in International Relations at the London School of Economics & Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Political Science & International Relations from Mount Holyoke College, Naomi has previously worked in academia, multi-national corporations, United States Department of State and Research/Policy organizations. She has published articles in journals of international history, politics and business as well as contributing to a number of books. Born in Karachi and having grown up around the world, she is multilingual with varying degrees of familiarity with 7 languages (in addition to English).  

Jehangir Mehta

Chef Jehangir Mehta is the chef/owner of the New York city restaurants Graffiti, Me and You, and Graffiti Earth. He has been a participant in Food Network’s Next Iron Chef Redemption 2012, the runner-up at the Next Iron Chef 2009, a participant on Iron Chef American and a guest on Martha Stewart living. Known for his signature eclectic style and food sustainability initiatives, he uses an array of unusual ingredients and spices to create an interesting juxtapose of temperatures, textures and tastes. 


Vera Dinshaw Springett
Co-Founder Parsis Exchange Recipes on Facebook 

Vera Dinshaw Springett is Creative Director for UX (User Experience) at University of Phoenix, with almost 20 years of combined ad agency and in-house branding and digital experience. Originally from Pakistan, Vera came to the US to earn her bachelor’s in Advertising and master’s in Integrated Marketing Communications. She lives in Chicago with her husband and daughter, and is co-admin of Parsis Exchange Recipes (PER).

Arbez Shroff Patel
Co-Founder Parsis Exchange Recipes on Facebook

Arbez Shroff Patel is born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan. Came to the United States to earn a degree in Medical Technology. Worked at Smithkline Beecham medical reference laboratory specializing in Microbiology and Virology, ultimately in a Supervisory and then Managerial capacity. Living in Plano, Texas. Mother to two children who have flown the coop. 

FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda