Strategic Plan: Individual Plans For The Shared Spaces


GOALS – our overriding aspiration is:

  • To be identified as a distinct religious community
  • To be able to articulate our beliefs, history, ancestry and cultural heritage with pride
  • To ensure that our children and their children know what it is to be a Zarathushti
  • To have the knowledge and tools to ensure perpetuation of our religion and values
  • To increase pride and appreciation of the doctrine of the religion and religious practices


  • Instill a sense of pride in being a "Zarathushti"
  • Define values and ethics leading to a "Zarathushti way of life"
  • Promote these values and understanding of the religious practices through holding open forums and debates at Congresses and Seminars
  • Print essays on specific subjects dealing with values and ethics for daily living as well as in business and professions in North America
  • Hold seminars for parents on how best to impart these values to children
  • Prepare manuals for parents on "The Zarathushti way of life in North America"
  • Develop community service projects for youth and young adults based on Zarathushti values both on this continent and in Iran and India
  • Develop literature on meaning of religious practices, prayers, rituals, festivals customs
  • Publish historical and archeological books
  • Develop Gatha studies guides, courses and musical scores
  • Encourage reading and study of the Shahnama


  • Preparation of Public Relations kits on Zarathushti religion by July 1998
  • Preparation of manuals for parents and teachers by July 1998
  • Develop youth exchange community service projects for India an Iran by July 1998
  • Books on Zarathushti festivals, customs as practiced in North America by July 1999
  • Commission a book on "Zarathushti way of life in North America." by July 2000
  • Encourage interested Zarathushtis to develop Gatha and Shahnama courses and guides


  • Make available in print or electronic format easy to read materials on different aspects of the religion. (Publications Committee/ Education Committee/Working Group on increasing awareness of the religion and religious practices within the community
  • Hold discussion groups, seminars, at local and regional level, and encourage youth to attend by providing financial assistance




  • Develop methods for mobilizing our latent community resources
  • Motivate our talented youth and adults to help our community prosper and grow
  • Create a well connected community by increasing harmony and unity among Zarathushtis of diverse ideologies and origin
  • Improve economic prosperity through entrepreneurship


  • Develop and promote the FEZANA JOURNAL as an effective communication medium, encourage gift subscription outside N. America, to other interfaith organizations, public libraries, university libraries with religious studies departments, centres for Zarathushti studies etc to increase awareness for the Zarathushti religion in North America
  • Seek out unconnected local residents in different area of United States and Canada
  • Update, publish and distribute directories at local and national levels at regular intervals to keep Zarathushtis connected
  • Revisit membership requirements for small groups and identify reasons why they choose not to form associations, provide legal and infrastructure assistance to those small groups who do wish to form associations
  • Facilitate dialogue between diverse groups, increase cross-cultural interactions, by initiating volunteer projects
  • Organize and support on regular basis, youth congresses, interactive seminars for constructive dialogue between youth and adults, sports activities and camps
  • Include ZYNA in all FEZANA activities, include youth in all sub- committees, encourage local associations to send youth to FEZANA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and or congresses and provide funds to facilitate that


  • Increase subscription to the Journal by 5% every year starting in 1997
  • Set up revised small group requirements by ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2000
  • Encourage 5 small groups to join FEZANA by ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2002
  • Recirculate the 1993 document "Guidelines for enhancement of Parsi Irani understanding". Implementation of this rests at the local and personal level. FEZANA can create awareness that solutions to problems exit
  • By ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2007, 3% of board should be from 20-30 age group
  • By ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2002 have very few unemployed Zarathushtis in N. America
  • By ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2007 have some large-scale entrepreneurship activities in place



  1. Organizational internal structures
  2. Economic Council
  3. Financial and fund-raising activities

Infrastructures are needed within the community to internally support our organization, make us financially self supporting and strengthen our base as a religious community.


to build and sustain a strong, well knit and cohesive North American Zarathushti community by establishment of

  • Small study groups: to study and make recommendations on topics determined by FEZANA President to be relevant to the attainment of the vision of the community
  • Council of elders: review and vet the findings of each study group, advise the President on difficult and divisive issues and arbitrate any conflict within the community


  • Ad-hoc and temporary "Advisory group" nominated by President to formulate detailed proposals for establishment of study groups and the Council of elders and select critical priority subjects for sustaining cohesiveness with the Zarathushti community in North America by ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1997
  • On recommendation of Advisory group appoint chairpersons of Study Groups for subjects proposed for study. February 1998
  • Invite 2 names from each member association of respected North American Zarathushtis for the 7 member Council of Elders April 1998
  • Each study group to forward its recommendations to the Council of Elders who will then submit their recommendations to the president. The recommendations will then be presented to the member associations for their consideration and possible implementation within their communities. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1998


The strength of the community depends on the economic well-being of its members. The prosperity of individual community members should result in the prosperity of the community organizations. The economic council would be responsible for raising funds for the various projects for the community.


  • Develop and implement economic programs that would benefit various segments of the North American Zarathushti community
  • Each association should have a committee to help Zarathushtis to become economically stable
  • Encourage and assist Zarathushtis to set up businesses and employ other Zarathushtis, encourage national and international Zarathushti franchise, have an inventory of assistance available through all levels of government, financial institutions and other funding agencies
  • Recognize and encourage demonstrated talent among young Zarathushtis through granting of awards
  • Establish substantive funds for college scholarships and /or loans to encourage and facilitate higher education to give a strong message to youth that the community is there to help before they are asked to serve the community
  • Establish scholarships for religious education
  • Make community service part of college loan agreements
  • Facilitate retirement living for the elderly
  • Organize business expos


All the programs for the community require finances which should be raised by

  • Planned gift using charitable trusts leveraged by insurance (appendix 5)
  • Trust funds
  • Volunteer contributions per project by individuals and associations
  • United Way
  • Tithing




  • Strengthen linkages with Zarathushti and other religious organizations, scholarly community and the secular world
  • Develop a strong and effective Worldwide Zarathushti Community (federation)
  • Develop a Centre for Zarathushti studies in North America
  • Develop a Zarathushti Spiritual Centre in North America


  • Panel at 1998 North American Congress to highlight interfaith activities
  • Proposal for Zarathushti Spiritual Centre drafted and submitted to Manitou Foundation July 1997
  • Guiding Principles for the formation of Council of Federations accepted. December 1996
  • Approval sought for FEZANA to join the council. July 1997
  • NGO consultative status with the Economic Council of UN approved May 1997
  • Charter being written for the United Religions Initiative. Active participation of the community encouraged for regional conferences, the 1999 conference in South Africa
  • Zarathushti community to be encouraged to offer a gift of love at the Millennium Event in 2000
  • Participation encouraged at the world religion day, religious pluralism conferences and interfaith programs and conferences



a. Values and Ethics – Khorshed Jungalwala, Freny Ranji, Jimmy Mistry
b. Religious Practices – Mazda Antia, Khorshed Jungalwala
c. Religious and Communal Pride – Katayun Kapadia, Pervin Davar, Dinaz Weber, Nergish Mehta
d. Scriptural and Doctrinal Knowledge – Jimmy Mistry, Nergish Mehta, Mazda Antia

THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT – Reporter Anahita Sidhwa
a. Creation of a well connected community – Roshan Rivetna, Mehran Sepehri, Anahita Sidhwa
b. Increase harmony and unity – Mehran Sepehri, Shida Anoushiravani, Bella Tata
c. Integrate youth into all community affairs – Behram Kapadia, Bella Tata, Ardeshir Anoushiravani, Mehran Sepehri
d. Promote economic Prosperity – Bella Tata

a. Internal organization – Adi Davar, Shida Anoushiravani, Ness Lakdawala, Dinshaw Joshi
b. Economic Activities – Gev Nentin, Sarosh Collector, Noshir Langrana, Soonamai Desai
c. Ecumenical activities – Kayomarsh Mehta, Kaemarz Dotiwala, Adi Unwala, Dilshad Antia, Natalie Vania

EXTERNAL STRUCTURES – Reporter Rustom Kevala
a. Interfaith Activities – Rohinton Rivetna, Jamshed Mavalwala
b. Citizenship and Leadership – Jamshed Mavalwala
c. North American center for Zarathushti studies – Rustom Kevala
d. World Zarathushti Council – Rohinton Rivetna

| News

FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda