The Power of Choice in Zoroastrianism: The FEZANA Talks #8

Join Mobedyar Mahshad Khosraviani as she leads this presentation about the Power of Choice in Zoroastrianism. Mahshad will explore what the ‘good’ in ‘good thoughts, good words, and good deeds’ means. For we are born knowing that choice is powerful – choice is the fundamental power of the human experience. She will further discuss the power of choice by putting Yasna 30 Verse 2 on the spotlight to dissect what the “choice” & the two paths that our prophet has bestowed upon us really means in the Twenty First Century.

Mobedyar Mahshad Khosraviani is an active member of both the Irani & Parsi Communities in Toronto and in 2012, she was endowed with the honor of becoming the youngest Female Zoroastrian Mobedyar in Iran, and the first in North America; and amongst the few ordained Mobedyars in the Zoroastrian world who are recognized by both North American Mobed Council, as well as the Iranian Mobed Council. 

Mahshad has continuously strived to inspire and be inspired; to strengthen the future of our religion in the long run as Zoroastrianism is currently on a steep decline line of falling into the records of religious history. Zoroastrianism, as we know it, is one of the smallest religions in the world; yet despite its obscurity, its influence continues to be felt. However, our religion is evolving into one based solely on intellectual discussions, and as we forge ahead, we must strive to inaugurate a balance between blind faith and deeper understanding. 

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Topic: FEZANA Talks: Zoroastrianism and Choice
Time: Sep 5, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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FEZANA represents a diverse and growing Zarathushti community in North America.

Guided by the blessings of AHURA MAZDA and the teachings of our Prophet Zarathushtra; the Federation was founded in 1987 It serves as the coordinating body for 26 Zoroastrian Associations and 14 Corresponding Groups in the United States and Canada.

The activities of FEZANA are conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and unity amongst all Member associations, and with due regard for the principles of GOODNESS, TRUTH, REASON, BENEVOLENCE, IMPLICIT TRUST and CHARITY towards all Mankind.

:+: Baname Khoda Kshnothro Ahura Mazda