The Gāthās and Yasna Haptaŋhāiti
The Gāthās, the seventeen sacred hymns of Ashu Zarathushtra, along with the Yasna Haptaŋhāiti (or Haft Hā), constitute the oldest and most significant part of the Avesta. Reciting these hymns enlightens the mind, soothes the soul, and guides individuals toward truth and communion with Ahura Mazda, the one and only God. The Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America (FEZANA) has launched an audio-written collection in early 2024 to familiarize its audience with the precious heritage of the ancient religion and culture of Iran. This initiative aims to make the timeless wisdom of Zoroastrian texts more accessible and engaging.
Introductory Verse
Translation by Humbach:
Entreating (is) the thought, entreating the word, entreating the action of truthful Zarathushtra. May the Prosperous Immortals accept the Gāθās.
Reverence to You, O truthful Gāθās.
Yasna 28-2
O Wise Lord, by virtue of the Good Mind, may I reach Thy presence.
Grant me the blessings in both world, the corporeal and the spiritual, attainable through Righteousness;
Thy rewards which bring beatific happiness to the faithful blessed with them.
Yasna 28-3
Translation by DJ Irani:
As never before, I shall weave my songs for Thee, O Mazda Ahura, and for Thee, O Spirit of Truth and the Good Mind, then, shall Armaity, the Spirit of Benevolence, make the imperishable Dominion of Heaven flourish.
As never before, I shall weave my songs for Thee, O Mazda Ahura, and for Thee, O Spirit of Truth and the Good Mind, then, shall Armaity, the Spirit of Benevolence, make the imperishable Dominion of Heaven flourish.
For that perfection, come ye all to my invocations.
Introductory Verse, Yasna 28.2 and Yasna 28.3
The Gathas, sublime songs of Zarathushtra are not only thought provoking in their content and meaning but also comforting and meditative to hear. The introductory verse to the Ahunavaiti Gatha, along with Yasna 28.2 and Yasna 28.3 recited by Mobedyar Dr. Rashin Jahangiri is presented in sequence for meditation or simple enjoyment.