What does it mean to be a Zoroastrian today?
Zoroastrianism is an ancient doctrine that is as modern today as it was 3800 years ago. It is a practical way of thinking and living practiced daily by a Zoroastrian..

Fravahar is a symbol reminding us to be a good Zoroastrian. The many parts of the fravahar hold deeper symbols
Work, Effort, and Perseverance
Reading the biographies of great scientists, benevolent individuals in fields of human affairs, politics, entrepreneurship, etc. we notice a similar trait possessed by all of them. All these individuals who we now remember in kindness were able to overcome their hardships with perseverance, hard work, effort, and endeavor.

As humans, our lives are inextricably linked to the environment. Our ancestors knowing the importance of this connection, strived to protect nature. An important part of Iranian and Zoroastrian culture is to ensure that our interaction with nature occurs without harming the environment.
Prime Principles of Life
Zarathushtra uses some twenty abstract terms to prescribe the way of promoting mental and physical faculties of soul to achieve perfection and immortality. He calls them “the primal divine laws of life.”

Collaboration, Consultation, and Working Together
Once everyone works together, the result is always beautiful. (ex. Members of a family each performing a task).
Freedom in Zoroastrianism
As a Zoroastrian we believe in freedom of choice and free will. That is, we have a hand in shaping our future, making our own decisions, and paving our own destiny by making beneficial daily choices. Students should understand there are events that we control and those that are out of our control. A good living is to exercise our freedom to shape the situations to benefit all.

Saoshyant and Ferashokereti
The concept of Saoshyant (benefactor) and Frashokereti (making life excellent) has changed over time from what Zarathushtra presents in the Gathas to that of the later texts. The goal of this lesson is to emphasize that each one of us needs to play a part in making this life excellent for all. Each one of us can be a Saoshyant or a benefactor.
Life and Time of Zarathushtra
Good thoughts, words and deeds include all the thoughts, behavior and conduct by people that can lead to progress, health, joy, and a better life for everyone.

Donation in the Zoroastrian Religion
There are two forms of donation, monetary and non-monetary donation. Both kinds of donation are equally important and valuable in Zoroastrian culture.
Avesta is an important and large compilation of historical, religious, and cultural texts of the Iranians and Zoroastrians which includes the Gathas.